Friday, April 2, 2010

Maple Sugar Time

The golden color of maple syrup in glass bottles is just beautiful.

The Packard Valley Farm was founded in 1821.

There was a chill in the air, but we were all smiles as our hay ride touring the maple farm began.

Our first view of the trees as we enter the woods.
Hundreds of silver buckets hanging from the trees,
just as I remembered as a child many years ago.

Friendly modern farmers with their dog.

Gone with the silver buckets, in with the new plastic blue tubing.
With over 500 trees it was a daunting task collecting sap from the trees each day, and not very cost efficient.
I must admit the blue tubing is quite an eye sore, but it makes life much easier for the small farmer.

There was a petting zoo for the children. We just fell in love with this baby goat.

The best part of the day...
All you could eat pancakes with maple syrup from the farm.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your day, its very interesting to see how they get the mapel syrup.
    I have never had pancakes like that, they look scrummy!



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