Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pursuing his dreams...

This summer, my son Luciano was pursuing his dreams of acting by attending Geva Theatre's
Summer Academy. Geva's summer academy is a five-week professional theatre training program for 30 selected young actors. The students took courses in acting, voice and diction, movement, monologues, expansions and improvisations.

This year's camp celebrated Modern theater. The 2010 showcase was based on Ray Bradbury's classic novel, Fahrenheit 451.
Luciano's character was the young boy in the adaptation from Shipwrecked by Donald Margulies.

Final photograph of the entire cast and directors. Bravo to all! It was an amazing show.

Proud parents

Grandparents Marlene and Donald Maggio

Great Aunt Georgia and Grandma Jane

Just love this picture, and I wonder where my children get their creative expression from.


  1. What a talent! How wonderful that so much of your family is there to see and appreciate!

    I love the fabric they used on stage...water?

  2. What a wonderful experience! I would have loved to see the performance. roxanne

  3. I love that bottom picture too. What pair of attactive peeps there. :) how wonderful. Congrats to your son too.

  4. BTw, on your acorns on the side bar, I have to say i love the pen and ink and watercolour the most--all combined works so great.



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