Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Visting Puppy For The Summer

My son, Gian-Patrick came home from college with an American Staffordshire Terrier. Yes the common name is Pit Bull.

Meet Tiko... He's a very sweet four month that's getting ready to meet the master of the house.

He's seems to have taken an interest in Lync's soccer ball.

We think Lync is laying down the law about playing soccer with him.

Rule #1 Lync always gets the ball first.
Poor Tiko, you can just hear him saying,"Please let me get the ball, I promise to give it back"

Lync has managed to tire the little guy out.

We think Lync is going to play nice now. The puppy is getting excited.

Right like that was going to happen.
Lync did give Tiko a correction. Tiko kept stealing Lync's chewy. Finally Lync had had enough. We heard a yelp and Tiko came running into the kitchen. I swear Lync was smiling in the living room chewing on Tiko's bone. haha

Both doggies slept very well last night.

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