Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Where Have I Been You Might Ask?

Social media has taken over our lives and I’ve gotten lazy when it comes to my blog. It is so much easier to post a picture with a few words on fb or on instagram, and press the (Like) button to respond to a friend’s latest post or picture that I haven’t taken the time to update my beloved Art Journal, which is actually my blog.
I’m going to change that and make an effort to document my adventures and art more offend.
So today I’ll start where I left off at the end of the school year just before summer vacation, and try to catch you up every few days with what I’ve been doing over my summer break.
Let’s get started with my Studio Art students’ final projects. Each year the students choose a theme to create their own Art Journal that represents techniques they learn throughout the year while combining the Elements & Principles of design. The categories were; Line and Pattern, Contrast/Value, Texture/Rhythm Movement, Space/ Emphasis, Art History/Painting Styles , an All About Me page, and then designing front and back covers that pulled it altogether creating Unity. 


Value/Contrast below

Music and Pop Art
All About Me
All about me and love for Soccer

Texture/Rhythm and Movement

Music was a popular theme

Betty's journey is right below her.

Front/Back Cover Design.  Theme, Doctor Who

The last day together Group Selfie!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Alexandra, I'm so glad you left a message. It helps to know someone is still following me. ;)



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