Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Sketches; All About Me

I've been so  busy teaching this week that I haven't done anything in my sketchbook to share with my Sunday Sketches friends, and was feeling rather sad about that. Well that all changed when I hopped over to see what Juana had created for this weeks Sunday Sketches, and read her post about Drawing and Stamps.
  Guess what I have been working on all week with my students?  Drawing and Stamp Printing, and I thought I didn't have anything to share...
 This week I introduced my Studio Art Final Exam Project. Its an Art journal that the students create based on a theme designed around their interests. They must complete 6 pages based on certain Elements and Principles of Design (determined by me)  plus a front and back cover. This project has always been a favorite of my students over the years.
With that said, the requirement for page 1 of the Art Journal is Line/ Pattern. Students must create a stamp print using a variety of different line and then print their stamp in a pattern of their choice.

Basketball Love

Its all about Sweets

Shoes, Shoes and more Shoes
Three Samples from my power point presentation

Both the students and I have been creating stamps all week. I wish I had thought to bring samples of the students drawings and stamp prints to share today. So... seeing that I'm working on a Power Point Presentation for the "All About Me" page this morning I'll share my exemplar for that page. Its a photo of me and a sketch of how I connect with my theme "The Tree of Life." My image of course is an acorn. (I'm Nuts) ha ha.

 Hope you enjoy, and a thank you to Juana for giving me an idea to post about today.

Happy Sunday Sketches...

~ Karen


  1. Lovely work, the students are lucky to have you for an art teacher!

  2. This is really a very cool project. Wish I could do something like this as well. And I love love love the shoes!

  3. Oh how wonderful! I love your stamps. Your class sounds great!

  4. Hurray to see you posted about the stamping project! I can see why it's been a favorite over the years with students. I really enjoyed the glimpses into your powerpoint presentation and love the basketball print.



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