Sunday, October 26, 2014

Smitten with a Side Walk Crack Illustration

 It all started when I uploaded a photograph taken by Carla Sonheim of a side walk crack. Her challenge was to look at the photograph,  turning it all around until you saw an image.The next step was to sketch out what you saw and transfer it to watercolor paper. After transferring the image it was our job to create a drawing / illustration.

If your wondering if everyone saw the same image the answer is no. I gave a copy of the photograph to another art teacher and one of my students and we all had different drawings. How fun was that?

I've included this post with Alexandria's Sunday Sketches, follow the link to see what other artists have to share this week.


  1. I think it's a very good way to find/create art. the painting's wonderful! the elephant's very cute.

    thanks for stopping by my blog, have a great day.

  2. What a fun idea, like clouds, but with cracks... I love your elephant!



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