Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sunday Sketchs

 The Love of Succulents

 Top left is a Pachyveria hybrid, Center are the very cute Stone Faces, and on the right is a Split Rock.

So excited to finally have an illustration for "Sunday Sketches." Its taken me a couple weeks to get a head of the Sunday deadline. As many art teachers know once classes start in September your so busy setting up your classes for new students there is no time to work on your own art work.  Thank goodness we had  Columbus day off, I was able to finish two watercolor illustrations! Love both of them  it was so hard not to post each one, but had to make sure I had something to share for next Sunday.
Yesterday I started something new and  hopeful I'll have something to exhibit with the group in three weeks. 
Hope you enjoy and can't wait to see what the others have posted today.

See you next week,  Karen


  1. Love your art, this sketch is beautiful.
    I've always loved succulents

    1. Thank you Eva, you classic car paintings are amazing.

  2. such pretty colors
    and a wonderful subject

  3. Lovely illustration and wonderful colors ~ great style!

    happy week to you
    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. Karen, your illustrations are lovely! I love succulents too ~ :)

  5. wonderful piece and glad to see you on this route of sunday sketches!



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