Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tis the Season

I can't believe I haven't posted in almost three weeks.
Would you believe I didn't know what to say? Does that seem to happen when you hit the six month mark of having a blog? Not sure what has gotten in to me. I've been creative but nothing seemed post worthy.
Last weekend I decorated my studio with Christmas lights and started painting graffiti bulbs and making my holiday gift wrap using recycled newspaper.
Stephanie, of Rodriguitz Style mentioned a book that she was reading that looked interesting, so I am now reading Eliot Pattison's Water Touching Stone. Thank you Stephanie, it is wonderful!
My son Gian is coming home from college Saturday, I can't wait to see him. :)
Hopefully he will be making us tasty deserts.


  1. Glad you've posted again - there's always something to say! It'd be interesting to see a photo of your decorated studio too!

  2. Hi! Love those Christmas ornaments! What a clever idea!!!

  3. Your graffiti balls are fabulous! There are times when I post, with nothing to say, and think...sheesh, I really should have just said nothing :)

    happy that you are enjoying the books.


  4. This is my first time visiting your blog and I just had to tell you how much I love these graffiti balls, they are adorable!!

  5. I know what you mean about posting. I haven't been around much this year. In the beginning, I just couldn't stop, now......well, I barely have a moment these days, even if I DO have something to say.

    LOVE your xmas ornaments!!!!.....and your students shrines are wonderful.



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