Saturday, May 5, 2012

Still Working Abstractly and Having Fun

 Acrylic painting with colorful markers.
 Not sure this one is finished yet... 
Think the crazy creature with something on her head may need to be pulled out.
Had fun adding some of my painted newspapers to the piece, along with some crazy stitching.
 I've named this creature the "Flame Thrower" or maybe its just "Art Therapy for the Teacher"

Another painting not quite finished yet. I think it's needs line work. The illustrator in me just can't let things just be... What do you think???

What till you see the landscapes I've been working on... So glad my creative voice is signing again.


  1. Hello! Greetings from St. Petersburg! I'm happy to watch your creative work and your students. I teach art to young children! I wish you success! Olga.

  2. Lovely compositions.
    I love the colors and them movement of your lines.

  3. Such prettiness, makes me smile. I think it needs line when featured next to the others that has line, otherwise it could be left alone... hehe.



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